The hills are alive with the sound of? Where are you Julie Andrews! Salzburg made us feel like the family Von Trapp. Bought along the Sound of Music on DVD and watched it in the motorhome on the laptop...what a classic. I have my lader hosen on as I type this on a crisp Austrian morning :) Yesterday we explored Salzburg by taking a bus from the camp site to town. The Austrians we met spoke less English then the Germans but we managed to get to Salzburg on the bus with some pointing and nodding and saying ‘bitte’. Lots of ‘Dunka Shern’ and ‘Bitte Shern’ (thank you…your very welcome) works well. The main street in Salzburg is amazing as it has been kept looking, as much as possible, as it was in Mozart’s time. Mozart is everywhere and on every souvenir. We wanted to absorb the local culture of Salzburg...so we headed to McDonalds for lunch…we were ordering some Mc Flurries but was not getting far with the non English speaking staff member – they are saying that the Mc Flurry machine is “Kaput”...some words work in both languages. Our trip on the Motorway from Germany to Austria was interesting but slightly nerve racking as it was our first drive in the motorhome on the open road. You must keep to the right (the slow lane) as all the Mercedes & Porches roar fly past on your left – some must have been doing at least 180kph. We putt along at 90kph enjoying the scenery and have found the motorhome easy to drive with practise. At one stage we found ourselves in the truck only lane and were promptly tooted out of that…but apart from that it was no problem.
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